WEEK4 - Podcast

Hello! Hello! 🙋 I’m back with another update of what I have learned this week. Podcast? What is it? I bet everyone knows podcast. So, the term podcast came from iPod (Apple portable MP3 player) and broadcasting. It is an episodic series of audio or video files that allow the user to listen or download the podcast that interests them. The user can listen to existing podcast or create their own. Fyi, YouTube, iTunes, SoundCloud, and etc. are the example of podcast medium.

As for this week lecture, Madam Azida introduced us to a new website which is http://podbay.fm/. Podbay.fm is one of the podcast medium where users can easily access the podcast that they wanted to listen without the need to visit multiple websites. I chose to listen to The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast by Vicki Davis under the categories of education. There were tons of episodes had been updated and “5 Ways to Battle Burnout” caught my eyes.

         The podcast started with the sound of bell ringing which suits the topic about teachers. The topic discussed was about ways a teacher could do in order to prevent mental and physical collapse due to overwork or stress. First of all, disconnect yourself from the world. Put away your phone so that you can relax and relieve stress. As we all know social media are very addictive, so limit yourself. Secondly, have a positive mindset. Make sure you are comforting people around you and vice versa by spreading positivity. Thirdly, find a thing that really fit your soul so that it will keep you engage with your life and stay motivated even when you are exhausted. Next, you have to balance yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Organize time wisely by sorting out everything to keep yourself on track. Lastly, establish relationship with other people well.

To conclude, the points were stated clearly and well-organized which the listener could easily grasp on. The host, Vicki Davis, did a really good hosting where she engaged well with the guest by having two-way communication. In addition, this podcast encouraged people especially the teachers to keep on learning and striving in order to do better for students. Plus, it took about 10 minutes which I found very ideal for me since I don’t really like to listen to a lengthy podcast. If you are interested to listen to this podcast, here's the link http://podbay.fm/show/1201263130/e/1550217600?autostart=1

Till the next post! Bye 💛


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